Contents |
Films |
the Japanese Garden tradition DVD - 53 mins |
and feeling in the Japanese Garden Tradition - illustrated by haiku from 1200 yrs of Japanese
poetry, with original music from WOMAD artist Joji Hirota and with stunning images
from the temples and gardens of
Kyoto, Shishu (Poetic Beauty) sets out to capture the
mesmerising mystique of actually being in those
gardens. Drawing deep from one of the world's oldest
garden traditions, it offers a profound insight into the
intuitive appeal of Kyoto's gardens and the legendary
beauty of the Japanese aesthetic. Comment from
contemporary garden master, Yasub Kitayama, from Kyoto
Design Lecturer, Marc Keane, and from leading UK Japanese
garden designer, Robert Ketchell Original music by Joji Hirota |
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On the evening of every full moon, between half a million and a million people make their way to the small Indian town of Tiruvannamalai for a ritual pilgrimage around Mt Arunachala. Walking barefoot for 14kms, it is an awesome display of devotion. Filmed in the major temple towns of South India, this film reveals and explains the roots of Indian spirituality that have nourished the region for thousands of years, The colour, clatter, and the sights and sounds of everyday India are depicted against intense sacred ritual and awe inspiring architecture highlighting the relationship between the spiritual and the everyday worlds. It is both a journey through spiritual India and a journey of the individual soul, an enquiry into, 'The Self' that is ever-free, limitless and unchanging. With comment from Swami Suddhananda and Roger Housden, author of 'Travels Through Sacred India', the handbook of spiritual travellers in India. |
a journey in spiritual India
The Unchanging
Self |
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a day in the Theatre of Beauty DVD - 70 mins |
Dawn breaks over the rooftops of Rome,
a perfect sunrise over the Ionian Sea, a fisherman slowly punts
across Lago Trasimeno, the last snow lies
on Mt Etna, a church bell tolls... governments come and go, the
economy struggles for survival, a new president is inaugurated,
Chinese imports squeeze the Italian fashion industry,
but smell the coffee, the food and wine are wonderful
and life is good as scandal ridden Italian football
makes it to the World Cup final...welcome to another day
in the Theatre of Beauty! The colour and complexity of Italian culture is portrayed through real life imagery that speaks for itself. A rich textured visual & musical soundscape of Italian life filmed in Bologna, Calabria, Roma, Siena, Sicilia, Toscana & Umbria. Occasional interview comment. Music by virtuoso guitarist Antonio Forcione |
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The story of Sfakia is the story of Crete - physically isolated for many centuries by the wild and rugged mountains of South West Crete, the people of Sfakia developed a great strength of spirit that was the heart of the long struggle for Cretan independence. The story of Sfakia is the story of its people - through their voices the social and family life of the region is depicted against the powerful events of the past and the mass tourism of the modern era. Amongst the busy tavernas, bustling ferries, hikers & sun worshippers, dawn still breaks perfectly over the mountains each morning and goat bells jangle in deserted gorges. As the tourist season ends, the land returns to its original state & the local people replenish their energies and reclaim their roots. In the Epilogue, a variety of seascapes meditates on the great beauty of the Greek Island sea. |
a Greek island film
Sfakia |
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Heart of Today an American film DVD - 124 mins |
films within a film - a multi-dimensional study of a year in
the life of New York, integrated with the dramatic political
events of election year America 2008. Set against the pulsating magnificence of the city landscape, an inclusive approach that covers the city's diverse origins and neighbourhoods. Driven by inhabitants from all over the world and compelled by Life Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness in all its awesome glory, New York is the modern. Through Super Tuesday, the Democratic Convention and the November Election, the film tracks the democratic process as the electoral pulse beats ever stronger. Rising above all of this, the spell binding oratory of Barack Obama, his election, an ultimate expression of the power and virtue of Constitutional Democracy, one of the greatest democratic moments of modern times. Music from 'living national treasure', composer David Amram |
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With an in depth look at modern African culture, this is a full on 'Real Africa' 'as it is' movie. Relatively stable, moderately successful and solving its problems, Ghana is a good news story, a model for the rest of strife ridden and corruption afflicted Africa. The spirit of Christ is alive and well in 'village Africa', the women of Ghana are strong and rising, as Kuapa Kokoo farmers perform their every day success story as a Fairtrade co-operative, cultivating cocoa beans for the Western Chocolate world. Filmed throughout Ghana during the national joyride as Ghana's football team, the Black Stars, became the only African side left in the World Cup - the hopes of all Africa resting on Ghana's fate, before being so cruelly cheated of their rightful place as Africa's best ever placed World Cup team. |
a moment in Africa
God, Chocolate
and The Black Stars |
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Shin An the other world of Tea DVD - 57 mins / BluRay & Streaming- 68 mins |
is in Autumn, the hills are ablaze with colour and Kyoto's
Temples and Gardens are at their very best. People from all
over Japan celebrate the legendary beauty of Kyoto Autumn -
the spirits rise and the change of seasons is deeply
felt. Japan is continually reassessing its traditions
in the modern context. Virtually unchanged since the
16th century, Chado, the Way of Tea, raises the question;
'What if the traditions of a society are at a higher level
than whatever the modern world has to offer?' The path
to the Tea House of Sen Shin An (Purification Heart Abode)
is a journey of enlightenment - the path to the inner
sanctum of Japanese culture. The Way of Tea, Chado,
makes sure that this pathway remains open, holding fast to
its core values of Harmony, Respect, Purity and Tranquillity,
fundamental values that permeate all Japanese society.
As the other world of Tea is revealed, wider issues arise;
Individual/Community? Spiritual/Everyday? How
better to resolve such matters than by the ritual drinking
of Tea in the simple, unadorned space of the Tea House? Original Music by John Kaizan Neptune |
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Coffee drinking first developed in Arabia in the 1300's and through to the cafes and internet forums of the Arab awakening of the 2010's, coffee has been an important social lubricant within alcohol free Islamic culture - cafes are where people meet and talk. As the birthplace of the Arab Spring, the story of Tunisia's liberal heritage places it at the leading edge of 'ijtihad'' - the formal process in Islam that reconciles the traditions of Islam with the demands of the present day, the modern world. Despite two malevolent political assassinations by forces that do not want the reconciliation between Islamists to succeed, as of going to press, Tunisia has held itself together. The Democratic process continues. Through a series of keynote interviews, this film examines the cultural foundations that have made this possible. Against a backdrop of cultural diversity from desert to city, from market to mosque, this is a sympathetic, humane account of an Islamic society which reaches out across the divides that ideologues of one kind of another have imposed upon us through the global media. |
an Islamic Transition
Cafe Tunisia |
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High Temple of the Vine DVD & BluRay - 82 mins / Streaming - 111 mins |
Stretching back thousands of years into the mists of antiquity, the long and honourable tradition of wine making is a great human story. The deep connection between wine and human culture attains one of its highest expressions in the Bordeaux appellation of Saint-Emilion. From the medieval town's ancient walls to the verdant rows of outlying Chateaux, Saint-Emilion's immaculately manicured vineyards and its long history of wine making form the 'cultural landscape' that UNESCO cited when conferring World Heritage status upon Saint-Emilion in 1999. From the bare vines of Spring to the hard pruning of Winter, from the bursting into leaf to the harvesting of fruit, this film covers a year in the life of the Saint-Emilion appellation. Situated on a limestone escarpment, the effects of Saint-Emilion's 'terroir' on its vines is closely examined, as one of many factors adding to the complexity of the Saint-Emilion wine. Maintaining the vineyards is a gargantuan task and work on them never ceases - ploughing, spraying, trimming, training - a seemingly endless series of manual and mechanical tasks to prepare the grapes in perfect condition for the harvest. The wine then begins to be made and we follow the production cycle from small scale Chateaux wineries to the more industrial facilities of the local producers' cooperarative. Throughout the year, Saint-Emilion's rich heritage serves to attract the attentions of the established wine community and the wider cultural world. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
A Set of four films that unfold the stories behind four everyday nourishments in four great cultures - European, Islamic, African and Oriental. The vineyards of Bordeaux, the cafes of the Sahara, the cocoa plantations of West African and the Tea houses of Kyoto are explored in their original settings in our modern world. This culinary journey takes us to the Great Buddha of Kamakura, the Grand Mosque of Kairouan, the Divine Chocolate Cooperative of Ashanti and the Vendanges of Saint - Emilion...just the kind of thing to enliven the chat around any dinner table. |
'Wine Coffee
Chocolate Tea' |
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Under a
tree in India DVD - 60 mins |
a vedic satsang - straight from the source, from an oral tradition stretching back thousands of years, and under a tree at his ashram near Tiruvannamlai, Swami Suddhananda eloquently lays out the inspiring Vedic vision of universal human reality. Merging the logic of philosophy with the intuition of spirituality, the satsang covers vital human areas - identity, creation, faith, ritual, liberation - as well as addressing the very basic issue : What is it that makes us happy? | |||||||||||||||||||||||
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David Amram - Classical composer, jazz pianist,
world musician, multi instrumentalist, artistic raconteur extraordinaire and avatar of human creativity recorded live at one of his
regular monthly sets in New York's Greenwich Village in May 2008. At a sprightly seventy seven years young and a living connection back to Jack Kerouac and beat 1950's New York, no-one could better convey the spirit of 'the Village'. |
Village |
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On A Rock In Manhattan DVD - 42 mins |
In order to examine the foundations of Western democratic culture, a film was made in the United States during the election year of 2008. A relatively unknown James Swartz, was interviewed in order to look at the relationship between the 'external' rights of Western culture and the 'inner' freedoms of Indian spiritual culture. Central to the argument presented in the film was the notion that one cannot have true democracy without the operation of both these freedoms. In the process, the James Swartz interview offered a fascinating insight into spiritual freedom within the day by day workings of modern culture. The eventual Swartz cut in the documentary film is followed by the interview in full. | ||||||||||||||
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Photography Books |
MMX a photography of Britain | ||
345mm x 235mm | 330 pages - 380 pics | 2,200 grams |
![]() New Year's Dawn Avebury, Wiltshire |
From Shetland to Scilly, from the Isle of Lewis to the Isle of Thanet, from Pembroke to the Norfolk Coast, from County Fermanagh to Whitehall, this is a journey into the heart and soul of Britain - into the Britain that you know and into the Britain that you don't know, into its people, its culture, its stories and its events. That journey had to start somewhere, so it began at the very beginning - the dawn of a New Year at Avebury and Stonehenge.........The coldest winter in recent memory and the beach scenes and flower shows of Summer, the General Election in the West Midlands and Budget day in Whitehall, England in the World Cup, the Eden Project in Cornwall, the City of London, The Co-operative in Manchester, Edward III, Mahatma Gandhi, John Lennon and a host of characters, scenes and moments - none less so than the extraordinary story of Etheldreda who walked from Northumbria to Cambridge in 672 AD to found the Abbey at Ely, later Ely Cathedral, all addressing the central question: 'What Is Britain'? | ![]() Hogmanay, Edinburgh Dec 31,2010 |
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Fish Market | Scotland | Yoga | England | Closing Time | N. Ireland | Ladies That Lunch | Wales | |||
MMX2 | ||
Love a world photography | ||
345mm x 235mm | 381 pages - 495 pics | 2,600 grams |
Transfixed by an insoluble economic crisis of immense
proportions, bewildered by a world population surging through the seven billion mark and unnerved by an
environment slowly suffocating itself to death, it would be easy to consign planet
Earth to a premature extinction. Eleven months before Barack Obama voiced the words below, the camera set off on a year long worldwide journey of understanding - to see if there is a better world out there than the one projected by the instant message, sensation addicted, 24 hour news culture. Three countries in Asia, three in Europe, three in the Americas, two in Africa and one in Australasia were visited to unambiguous effect - our human creation is every bit as fascinating as the natural creation. We dwell in a world characterised by innumerable daily acts of devotion, trust, humanity and love Many of the world's greatest cultural sites and many of nature's most spectacular works were visited, but the images here are not just a collection of 'happy pics'. Issue after issue is faced down : Hunger, Intolerance, Identity, Wealth, Environment, Population, Freedom, Faith etc - but they are presented within the context of the great achievement and astonishing creativity of the human race. And without any conscious intention to do so from the outset, this project also evolved into a wonderful testament to the women of the world. Time and again they provided some of the most interesting and arresting imagery. As the wellspring of creation and love, it was entirely appropriate that women should become central to a project devoted to the love of creation. 'We are not as divided as our politics suggests. We are not as cynical as the pundits believe. Despite all the evidence to the contrary...something better awaits us.' Barack Obama - Re-election Address - Nov 07, 2012 |
MMXX a photography of Britain | ||
345mm x 235mm | 336 pages - 427 pics | 2,200 grams |
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As a fledgling new Government took office in January 2020, the hoorahs from their election victory had barely died down when the country was struck down by a medical maelstrom of enormous force – the latest deadly strain of the Coronavirus. By the end of the year, two million people around the world lay dead, many others were left hobbled and the lives of everyone and everything on the planet was turned upside down. While this horrific event is well documented in these pages, and says many things about its people and state policy, nevertheless it was not the primary objective of this project – to document British culture in 2020, as Volume I ‘MMX’ had done so in 2010. Whereas MMX was brimful with colours and crowds and culture lived out on the public square, how does one document a year where cities were deserted, people were locked down in their homes and it really was the cancel culture – huge amounts of nothing happened ? Whilst visiting a totally different set of places than in 2010, what had been intended anyway became the main theme of this volume – How did we get to where we are today ? Why are we the type of society we are ? What is our story ? The very essence of documentary – a work of cultural introspection. Some of the story was covered in 2010, Stonehenge, Magna Carta, the execution of King Charles 1, and for those whose grasp of history is a little hazy, these pages offer a fairly painless catch up on some key moments in the past. Now, as the modern world is increasingly challenged by the brute power of three great ‘medievalisms’, Islamic State terror, the Russian gangster State and the Chinese Police State, more than ever, it is vitally important that we are clear headed about our story. This publication strives to assist that process, that we have no doubts about the value of the cause of Liberty, and the importance for humankind of its defence – as our forbears so bravely did so in World War II. As one of the main creators of the modern world, often stumbling through the darkness into the unknown, Britain has a long and curious and complex story to tell, but it is a truly great story …… of course, because it is great Britain ! |
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NewYear Northumberland | Liberty London | |||
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National Forest Derbys | Live Music Manchester | |||
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Space & Beauty Isla | Churchill London | |||
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Summer Swim Gloucs | The Game Changer
UK |
CDs |
The Way - Michi Yuki
11 tracks - 71 mins Kenny Endo - John Kaizan Neptune - Joji Hirota |
a unique collaboration in Japanese contemporary music The crack of Kabuki woodblocks awakens our inner silence, the shakuhachi blows pure Zen and the O-Jime, the big drum booms. But then bells are resonating in a Tibetan temple and notes glide like the clarinet in 'Rhapsody in Blue'. A Balinese Gamelan jingle jangles Pink Floyd like, one is drawn to the sound of sound. The lightning fingers of a tabla player flow in to a taut Elizabethan minuet and whatever Stravinsky, Schoenberg and Stockhausen sought in modernism, they knew about it a long time ago in Japan - stripped down, laid bare, minimal, rhythm harmony and melody completely full and completely spacious at the same time, all leading to the stillness within the sound... | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
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Kenny Endo | John Kaizan Neptune | Joji Hirota |
Joji Hirota -Paleohora
10 tracks - 76 mins Liz Walters - Mark Alcock - Emi Watanabe - Naomi Maki |
on stage with the moon rising over the ocean at half past
midnight, and with 500 people packed into the open air,
seaside Paleohora Club, in Crete, this is an energy laced
performance of Joji's contemporary Taiko compositions. Noh and Kabuki style flute solos, classical piano phrasings, traditional Japanese folk songs, modern keyboard riffs, and dramatic Taiko drumming, back Joji's amazing percussion solos. This performance draws deep from the immense and fascinating resource of Japanese music. |
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Joji Hirota | Crowd | Mark and Liz |
Posters |
Right Speech ![]() |
right speech | ||
one's speech is like a treasure speech should be at the right moment and in the right place accompanied by arguments, moderation and common sense unless one can say something useful, one should keep 'noble silence' |
abstain from tale bearing what one has heard here, one does not repeat there what one has heard there, one does not repeat here thus one does not cause dissension in both places one unites those that are divided, and encourages those that are united it is concord that one spreads by one's words |
abstain from lying speak the truth and be devoted to it be reliable, worthy of confidence and not a deceiver of men when asked what one knows, if one knows nothing, say : 'I know nothing' if one knows, one answers : 'I know' speak not falsely for one's own nor for any other's advantage |
abstain from vain talk speak at the right time and in accordance with the facts speak of the law and of the discipline speak what is useful avoid idle, useless, foolish, babble and gossip |
abstain from harsh language avoid harsh language and abstain from it speak gently, courteously, with words agreeable to the many with words that go to the heart |
admonishing another if about to admonish another, realise five qualities within yourself : at the right time will I speak, not at the wrong time I will speak truthfully and not falsely, gently and not harshly I will speak for their profit and not for their loss I will speak with kind intent and not in anger |
and I buy buddha![]() |
and I buy Buddha who said that what he said was neither true nor untrue and there's the only true thing or good thing I ever heard and it rings a cloudy bell, a mighty supramundane gong he said : your trip is long, illimitable, you came to this raindrop called your life and call it yours - we have purposed that you vow to be awakened - whether in a million lifetimes you disregard this Kingly Heeding, it's still a raindrop in the sea and who's disturbed, and what... what is time ? this Bright Ocean of Infinitude sails many fish afar that come and go like the sparkle on your lake, mind, but dive into the rectangular white blaze of this thought now : you have been assigned to wake up this is the golden eternity which knowledge will do you no earthly good for earth's not pith, a crystal myth - face the AAA-H truth, awakener, be you not knuckled under the wile of cold or heat, comfort or unrepose, be you mindful moth of eternity - be you loving, lad, lord, of infinite variety - jack kerouac |
be you one of us Great Knowers Without Knowing, Great Lovers Beyond Love whole hosts and unnumberable angels with form or desire - supernatural corridors of heat - we heat to hold woke.. open your arms embrace the world, it and we rush in, we'll lay a silver meeting brand of golden hands on your milky embowered brow power to make you freeze... in love...forever believe ! and ye shall live forever believe, that ye have lived forever overrule the fortresses and penances of dark isolate suffering life on earth there's more to life than earth there's light everywhere there's light everywhere look |
Thou Shalt![]() |
Balinese Market |
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Traditional Balinese Market |
Deep Field |
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Galaxies, galaxies everywhere... Hubble - March 2004 700 x 500mm 'Prof
Brian Cox would like to thank you for his poster' |
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Greeting Card Sets | ||
8 cards | 123 x 170mm | blank inside |
Clear as a mirror these frozen winter ways The figure they once reflected is no more |
I would start down a path away from the world Did thoughts of one still there not pull me back |
Longing for a place not of this world May I not join you in your mountain dwelling ? |
I shall put on robes of gardenia, the silent hue And let them speak of my love with words of silence |
You cannot know how deep my feelings are Their colours are hidden like water among the rocks |
A loose thread here to join a loose thread there If it cannot be so with us, what use is life ? |
The cherry blossom is dearest when it falls Nothing in this world is meant to last forever |
To be as close as the drops of dew on the lotus Must be our promise in this world and the next |
of Leadership Lao Tzu – Tao Te Ching - Witter Bynner version |
Those who know do not tell, Those who tell do not know. Not to set the tongue loose, But to curb it is to find balance. Whoever holds balance. beyond love or hate, Beyond profit or loss, Beyond praise or blame, Has attained the highest post in the world. |
Success burdens a man With the fear of losing it. When a man no longer thinks Of the personal body as self, Neither failure nor success can ail him One who knows his lot To be the lot of all other men Is a safe man to guide them, One who recognises all men As members of his own body Is a sound man to guard them. |
A sane person Sets up no deed, Lays down no law, Takes everything that happens As it comes, As something to earn, not to own, To accept naturally Without self-importance. If you never assume importance You never lose it. |
Yield and you need not break’, Bent you can straighten, Emptied you can hold, torn you can mend. Aware of this, a wise person, Without being inflamed, is kindled, Without taking credit, is accredited, Laying no claim, is acclaimed. And, through not competing, Finds peaceful competence. |
A leader is best When people barely know he exists, Not so good when people Obey and acclaim him, Worst when they despise him. ‘Fail to honour people They fail to honour you’. But a good leader, who talks little, When his work is done, his aim fulfilled They will all say, ‘We did this ourselves’ |
Those who would take over the earth and shape it to their will Never, I notice, succeed. The earth is like a vessel so sacred that, At the mere touch of the profane, It is marred. For a time in the world Some force themselves ahead And some are left behind, For a time in the world Some make a great noise And some are held silent. At no time in the world Will those who are sane Over-reach themselves, Over-rate themselves. |
The most involved fact in the world Could have been faced When it was simple The biggest problem in the world Could have been solved When it was small A sane person, knowing the way of life, Doing without acting, Finds no problem too big. If you say yes too quickly, you may have to say no, If you think things too easy, you may find them hard. If you face trouble sanely, It cannot trouble you. |
Arms are an instrument of evil, no measure for thoughtful men, Until there fail all other choice But sad acceptance of it. Triumph is not beautiful. Whoever thinks triumph beautiful Is one with a will to kill, And one with a will to kill Shall never prevail upon the world. The death of a multitude Is a cause for mourning. Conduct your triumph as a funeral. |